Sunday, April 2, 2023

FILM INTRO final product

CCR final product



CCR production

 here is my script for my radio response for questions 1-2

Hello hello, welcome back to my radio show, y-100 my name is Aaron wellington, and today we have a special guest here with us, Mariana Sanin, the maker of Elation. A Drama film that captures the life of a teenage girl coping with grief. How are you doing today mariana? 


Hi, I’m doing great today Aaron thank you for having me.  

Well, we have a caller wanting to ask you a question  

  • Of course, ask away!  

  • Hi, I just wanted to say I really loved your film and wanted to ask How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 

  • Great question actually, how my film intro challenges conventions is the use of alternate timelines. My film intro begins with a girl refusing to go to her best friend's funeral, it then cuts a black screen and continues to show the same girl waking up at the beach hungover and confused. And after that we give the audience further context, displaying “3 months before” text and showing the main character’s true self before the tragedy. The intro also represents social issues by shedding light to people who struggle w alcoholism and drug problems. The film also represents different social groups by showing the character speak Spanish to her mother. Representing both American and Hispanic cultures. 

  • Wow thank you so much for the info, have a wonderful day, 

  • You too bye 

  • Oh, looks like we have another caller wanting to ask you something as well  

  • Hello Hii, I wanted to ask How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? 

  • Oh, wow well, how I arrived at my target audience was teenagers genuinely go down the path of drugs and alcohol to cope with extreme loss or grief. According to Newport, since teens do not have enough life experience to know how to deal with certain things, they will begin experimenting with drugs and alcohol to cope with grief. How some of my production choices and content works to engage my target was creating relatable situations like the mom of the main character always calling, to show that she is worried. And showing the numbness that the character is feeling. I plan to make my film available to audiences, is that I will post it on various social media such as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. I will also post it on my blog to show the people that have been keeping up with my progress the final product. 

  • Thank you so much for answering have a great day] 

  • Of course, same to you bye 

  • Well, that is all the time we have folks, see you tomorrow at y-100's radio station 

Along with my responses for 3-4
  • How did your production skills develop throughout this project? 

Well in the beginning of the project me and my partner began researching our selected genre, Drama. We found films that are similar and found what qualities we wanted to incorporate into our film intro. Movies like Things We Lost In the Fire and Gia have helped guide our ideas into what our video is today. And once we knew what we wanted our project to be about we began planning our story board, then location scouting. However, we did hit a few bumps in the road. In the start of the project, we began filming too early without the necessary research we needed, and got a bit too excited. The footage did not turn out good either because the camera that I had acquired had a dead battery, causing us to refilm those shots. Another problem my partner and I had gone through was that the main character could not refilm her parts, so my partner and I had to improvise, I used my partner as an actor for the shots we needed and had mostly close up shots to not give away the fact that it is a completely different person. Overall, I have learned a lot since this project, I have learned to be more patient and realize the value in planning and researching before going to film and how to be adaptable when a problem arises.  


  • How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project? 

To film the video, I checked out a camera, a tripod, and a road microphone from my tv production class. For post-production, what I used to edit was adobe premiere pro and adobe aftereffects. I did, however, go out of my comfort zone with aftereffects since I had never touched it before this project. I created the title text on aftereffects and the typewriter effect for the “3 months later” part of my video. Technology did help solve some problems like shaky shots. With the help of premiere, I can just add warp stabilizer and it gives it a smoother shot without any shakiness.  


Overall, I am proud of my film intro and tried my best. What I have learned is that it's okay to step out of your comfort zone and learn new things, and to be able to adapt to problems and find a solution. What I would do differently if given the chance, is that I would have planned more and done more research, rather than filming right away. What I could improve next time is my editing skills in aftereffects, as more time passes, the better I will be at it.  


Final Project!

Click below to see the post card and final short film. ...