Wednesday, March 29, 2023

DAY 16: trying out after effects

 I already put all the clips for the film intro together, now i want to play around with after effects to elevate the title of the video. I had a clip where the beach shore rises and falls and I wanted my title to go under the water when it rises and the water washes away the title. I began researching various youtube videos on how to do that effect, however i couldn't find one that would work for my video. 

However, after various failed attempts, I found a cool text effect that kind of achieved the look I wanted. 

In order to achieve this effect I applied a Basic 3D effect on the text layer to make it look like it laying on the sand. Then I applied the effect of the dissolve melt. I then just imported from Premiere the after effects clip.

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Final Project!

Click below to see the post card and final short film. ...