Monday, March 25, 2024

Day 1 of filming

 Nati and I had a productive start to the day in the gym, building our self-esteem and emotions in preparation for our video shoot. These are all the stops we made and the events that happened during our day of filming.

First stop- Nati and I went to pick up one of our actors even though it was out of our route. One of our performers, Mateo, is portraying Nati's boyfriend, Gavin. We tried to be fast to not waste vital filming time. 

Second stop- continuing off from my last blog post, after my conversation with Jim from beacon, we went to go see him today regarding the equipment. Mateo asked if we could use our other friend Gabriella's equipment because he had to return his own equipment at a specific time, and we still needed more time. We then rented out all the equipment that Gabi had reserved under my name (of course with Gabi's approval). Jim then instructed us to use her equipment and return it to her after she was done using it. Our filming time was somewhat reduced by this technique, but not significantly.

third stop- TIME TO FILM 

We moved the site of our film. We had originally planned to film this scene at Weston Town Center, but we later discovered that a lot of people from our school had already filmed there. So we decided to make a few changes. Instead, we made plans to visit Davies Tower Shops! We were very satisfied with the changes. There was even a section covered in flowers, which was ideal for our concealed sequence. The lighting and surroundings were stunning.

Fourth Stop- mi casa su casa- We ended up filming the I love you moment at my house. It was uncomfortable. It was a little difficult for Mateo to argue about love when Nati and him had just recently met. But he was a terrific actor, so after a few tries, we managed to pull it off. Once more, everything went quite well and the whole process was fun. This scene's superb lighting was made possible mainly by the light kit. We used blue lighting and a TV lighting scheme that flashed because the two were going to be viewing a movie. 


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Final Project!

Click below to see the post card and final short film. ...