That being said, we have chosen to divide the filming schedule into two days of production for our short film. The greatest option, so far as everyone understood it, was two days of just film. This was because our main character works a lot and we have such a large cast. Additionally, Nati and I think we've progressed enough that we can dedicate ourselves to these days of great filming, given it's short. it was agreed to divide the days of filming into specific movie scenes or chunks.
For the two major characters, Howie and Nati, Monday will be similar to a prep day. Both the awkward "I love you" scenario that occurs when Nati and Gavin are watching a movie together and the part where Howie sees Nati with her new lover are scenes we agreed to perform. Compared to the rest of the movie, these two sequences have a decent amount of dialogue but not a lot of it. Physically, there's not much going on here either. We decided that Monday would be ideal for filming the calm moments and getting a feel for the equipment. Also, it improves the overall dynamic of the top three characters. This part of the filming won't take too long—a total of two hours. We'll also be concentrating on our Instagram account on Monday, getting some images and videos starring our main characters.It will be much longer and more difficult on Thursday, the second day of filming. The whole beach sequence starting with the group and ending with just the two main characters, the lunch scene, and the party from the final season will all be filmed on this day. To give ourselves enough time before the sunset dancing scene, we aim to get everyone to the beach approximately two hours before the sun goes down. In addition, the sun isn't as strong or scorching around 5:30, which makes it more pleasant. The film's tone is important for these scenes, and it would be ruined on a rainy day. it disrupts the actor's concentration on the specific scene.
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